New CROSSCUT SOLUTIONS Cut-Off Saw, Model CCS-18M Cut-Off Saw

One New CROSSCUT SOLUTIONS Model CCS-18M Cut-Off Saw, (right or left hand models) mechanically operated, 2" x 12" capacity, 7 1/2 HP motor, TEFC 230/460 volt 3 phase, 60 cycles, includes magnetic starter with 110 volt control voltage, adjustable up to 94 cycles per minute. Includes optional 4” x 8” cutting capacity and Quick Adjust for different thicknesses. 18” saw blade not included. See photos of CROSSCUT SOLUTIONS Model CCS-18M Cut-Off Saw on our web site. Inventory No M-177.

Additional information contact:
Kathy Monks
USA Toll Free line: 866-292-6222
Or direct line: 360-379-6675
New CROSSCUT SOLUTIONS Cut-Off Saw, Model CCS-18M Cut-Off Saw

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