FROMMIA Miter Machine, Model 660 Double Side Miter Machine
FROMMIA Model 660 Double Side Miter Machine to cut 45º on solid wood edge lipping to frame panels.
300 mm saw blade diameter 1300 mm distance between saws at 90º max 120 mm distance between saws at 90º max 60 mm cutting width 80 mm cutting height at 90º 2 KW main motor Pneumatic clamping Digital readout Weight 760 kg 1672 lbs. S/N E660-1990, new in 1990. Will handle up to 5ft. wide, will miter solids automatically around panels up to 5ft. wide any length. Solids from small as 1.75 x 2.5 Specifically built to miter solid frames around conference table and desktops and table tops. Has had very little use, in excellent condition. See photos of FROMMIA Model 660 Double Side Miter Machine on our web site. Inventory No. 11370 Additional information contact: Kathy Monks MACHINERY SALES CO., INC. USA Toll Free line: 866-292-6222 Or direct line: 360-379-6675 Fax: 360-379-6794 Email:

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